May 27, 2006 14:22
I just found the most amusing thing, on IMDB of all places...
"It may seem crazy, but don't let the illusion that we have grown accostomed to cloud your thinking... this is REAL, the year 2012 will mark the beginning of a new era... whether it is positive or negative rests solely on us... the people who have control now want to stay in control, and they depend on negativity to do so. There have been and there will be attempts made to hold us down and keep us from taking control of our own fates, in everything from the food that we eat, to the news that we watch. There is a microchip that has already been developed and featured on "Good Morning America" that will be implanted into Americans as an identification tool in order to find the "terrorists," but really it is a tool to control our minds and keep us from rising spiritually.
I know, it sounds crazy, but lately I have seen some crazy *beep* that has made me believe. I've felt more in tune with the Earth, and I can feel the energy shifting. Has anyone else noticed that time seems to be moving faster now than it ever has? That's because the Earth's axis is spinning faster with each passing year, as it prepares to move into the next dimension.
Don't just brush this off as another conspiracy theory... in the next 6 years, major changes will occur and the truth will be revealed... but you have to open your eyes to it in order to see the light, because the government will do everything in it's power to blind you to the truth. Please, don't let yourself be cattle herded for the slaughter. It is OUR world, and it is OUR futures at stake. The key to remember is to choose positivity over negativity, always, and remember that we all have an inportant purpose in all this. Take a look inside yourself, and your path will reveal itself to you."
Fox Mulder is alive and well.