The Devil Told Me To...

Apr 13, 2010 07:13

Post a blog. Not really, but I have begun another facebook comment-a-thon with my dear Fina and it's all about what the devil told us to do. It is a good bit of fun, and I always need a title of my blog, so yeah!

Well I didn't go to class yesterday because I was not feeling to hot, but I am going today, so woot. I actually slept most of yesterday, and I have been up since 11:30 pm watching the last episodes of season 3 of Burn Notice. They were fantastic, but now I am kind of sad because I don't know what to watch. I mean have things like SVU and my movies to watch but I need more. Again, I really need to read a book. Geez with all of this movie and TV watching I am doing. So not like me. And I have so many books just calling out to me to read them. I might want to get on that.

I plan on going to school early today so I can pick up my last book, I will then make my way to the library and get my study on. I'm really digging the reading for class so far because it is mostly history of the police and criminal justice, and I do love me some history. Most of my class, even the teacher seems to think it is terribly boring, but I really like it. It is so hard to find anything that I would find boring. I think everything has the possibility to be interesting.

Which I think while I am at the library today, school one anyways I will look and see if they have any history books to read. I am a nerd, but hey it's things like that, that makes you a good candidate for Jeopardy!, and I do love that show. So apparently blog is not a word according to my spellcheck, and I find that so odd because I would have figured that it would have been made a word by now just because of how many people do it. They are always adding new words, and some are just ridiculous. I also find it ironic, that spellcheck has deemed itself to be an incorrectly spelled word, when that is exactly how it is listed when you use it.

Well that's about it for me. I really have less and less to say these days as everyday is pretty much the same, and that sucks but whatever. And I also don't seem to have enough random ramblings or musings to write about so I am going to go, and hope you enjoyed it if you read.

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