May 21, 2003 22:06

"you can't do this. GO TO THE CLINIC!" *writes a note that says 'she can't stay awake! she can't follow!!'*
yes..i fell asleep for a long time in french. again. so she does that and sends me down to the clinic at umm what time was it..there were 30 minutes left in the class. so i went down there and a kid named...thomas maybe? was down there talking to the clinic lady. so i told her what was going on and she laughed because she was like "that's so stupid! who sent you here?" and looked on the pass and was like "oh. no wonder. she's been here longer than i have. and that's WAYYYY too long..." lololol stupid madame desmarais...so i litterally got to sit there talking with her and thomas *who is really cool* for the last half an hour of french! it was so awesome. i think i have to do that more often, because that was definately better than french. i didn't get to see the end of the movie though...and i actually really liked it...but not like i would have anyways because i was asleep lol...we had already seen the part she was showing us though! it's not like i was missing anything...what a fucking bitch. i swear i don't know how she has a husband. that poor man...and her children...those poor, poor souls...
yeah she sucks.
mall with mommie today =] got 2 new shirts, and a pair of dickies capris. oh and a pair of guys bathingsuit shorts because they're hott and i really like them =]...i can't wait to show everyone my new shirt. just you wait. you're gonna die it's so amazing...
i aced health final. i did maybe like a 70 on my history final lol i dont' know actually...i have NOOO idea how i did..it was pretty hard...i wish i was one of those smart people who can just read lecture notes and get them in their head...rawr..
lol wow family dinner conversation moment:
mom: "do you want some potato katie?"
me: "eh...maybe later"
dad: "do you want some whoopin katie?"
me: *confused looks at mom and then at dad* "what the hell?!"
dad: "*calmly* oh, i was just making sure you were listening...how about i open up a can of WHOOPASS ON YA!"
dad: "oh you better watch it...that whoopass is gonna come out and getcha! MUAHAHA"

uh oh...dad's gonna open some whoopass...i'm so scared...lmao
internet is going off...
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