Permissions Meme

Mar 23, 2010 13:30

Character: Vislor Turlough

Backdating: Doesn't bother me in the slightest

Threadhopping/jacking: It is fine under these conditions: It is not marked 'private'. The other person has similar permissions. It's relevant to the discussion.

Intimacy (being hugged, kissed, etc.): Well, get to know him a bit first! If it's a choice between this one and the next one, he'll definitely prefer this one. Really though, Turlough is used to being treated with suspicion a lot (why? He's so lovable!) so a hug or a kiss would be a nice surprise. Though if it's more than a peck, appreciate working up to it. Turlough spent a couple of years in a public boys school, so while he's not exactly a homophobe, he'll having none of that, thank you and possibly punish the guy if he persists.

Violence (being slapped, kicked, etc.): By all means, if he's being cheeky but don't expect him do much in the way of fighting back unless you really tick him off, surrender generally works in his experience. He has been a resistance fighter since he's left the Doctor, but he prefers talking/thinking his way out of problems and people being angry with him, like the Doctor taught him. He's pretty nifty with a weapon though. On the other hand he's not buff, so a strong arm and catching him off guard will work. No maiming, please, unless that's part of the point of the thread, with Turlough, it would be something of an over reaction.

Things this character is capable of/can do to yours: Nothing out of the ordinary. Decent liar. He's smart and a bit of a prankster.

Anything else: Turlough's not the biggest fan of humans, expect him to wonder why humans all like doing stupid things, like being brave.

Don't read his mind unless you want to be really confused, Eternals (who live off emotion and do next to nothing without reading someone's mind) have gotten confused by him, so unless you're skilled it's going to be next to impossible to quite know what Turlough's thinking and even then it's a bit of a chore.


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