Dec 29, 2003 23:51
You all told me things could get better if I said goodbye - but I waited a few more nights and got caught up in the vision of a dream so tangible it felt like he and I were as close as peanut butter and jelly rather than the stars in the same constellations that are millions of miles in separation, as is the reality of our locations. But the one I am close to, the star that happens to double my own, that's the one I fear. That star is the one that I wish so desperately to be...generations...away from me. I want it to burn up and fall out of the sky with the gorgeous blaze in which it crawled into my arms and into my heart.
He didn't mean to make me care about him, he didn't mean to lead me on, and he didn't mean to break my heart. He always seemed distracted, his mind somewhere else, because it was true. He doesn't know why he told me that what he wanted was me - because he didn't want to break my heart. His heart is fine, mine's not. I'm wasting his time...he won't be missing me, it won't make him fall apart, it's just that he didn't mean to break my heart. Good lyrics - to all you men out there who have hurt a girl that badly, it's called "Break Your Heart," and wow it's a true one.
So does life ever really boil down to a few things? Naaah. Separating life into its different parts and sections and prioritizing everything would be like trying to divide the earth, judging whether the heavens are more important than the seas and the continents. You can't have one without the other - and such is life. Everything in it is a necessity - every laugh, every smile, every tear, everything is a necessity. If you don't have one part of life, the others aren't...complete. Everything stems off of a previous thought or feeling or action, and in the end, life is one big accomplishment. Failures lead to future success, and future success (in whichever way one would define success) leads to self gratification and a smile at the end of the day.
New random thought of the day - there are a few people out in this world, in this void of existence, that I absolutely adore. If you have the love of this being, this existence that happens to occupy my shell, then feel at ease- you have a love that wouldn't leave even if you are generations away from me, even if you are a star in a constellation floating around in the cosmos.