Nov 10, 2003 23:39
Today I bashed my arm on a doorframe while running away from my psycho sister. Literally, compleatly smashed my arm into the door. It hurt, and two of my fingers felt numb for a short while, and the hair at the back on my neck went all prickly. :\
So now I have this giant rectangular bruise on my forearm. Fun fun, silly willy.
Anyway, sis said she wasnted to take drawing lessons from me, and so today I was teaching her the basics of heads and faces. Withing the hours that we worked, I was shocked at how drastic her improvement was. oo; Like, DAMN.
I are all proude of her. ^^ Also happy that I make sense when I'm trying to explain things. ::snerk::
Tesya is sooooo cute. ^^ Got spayed the other day though, so the pretty fur off her belly is all gone, and there's an ugly ouchie there with little pink stitches in. Poor baby. :( But she's not all tender from it any more, and she's still all happy and cute like she is.
She sleeps with me on my bed every night! ^^ Sometimes she curles up under my chin, or she'll sleep under the blankets with me against my arm. But mostly she likes sleeping at the foot of my bed. She not really a cuddly cat. Not very often, anyway. But she'll sleep in my lap a lot while I'm online! ^.^ And she'll always wake me up at 5:am, sticking her whiskers up my nose and purring in my ear. Like, "Mommy, I want attentiiiiiooooon! WAKE UP!"
Yeah. Cute. :P
I keep starting to type something, then I get distracted and forget what I was saying. Ad since I'm too lazy to read what I was just typing, I skip to a new subject. Go me. :D
I wonder if they're going to bring X-3 out, or if they decided that that was a failure...? I dunno. Hope they bring it out. :\
Umm....gonna post now, cause I just keep trail off and doing other stuff. :D Ja!