Big plans

Jan 10, 2012 18:21

I remember one of the first times I came to earth. The human race hadn't blossomed yet. They had only a few contacts with higher beings, and monsters and otherworldly creatures ran rampant.

I remember seeing a man. A man who was so utterly wrong, so self absorbed, so drenched in sin and pleasure that it baffled me to look upon him. It made me ashamed that he would still call himself 'Captain'.

And as I raised my hand, invisible to the man Captain Jack Harkness, I heard a voice, a far off whisper on the edge of my conciousness.

«Dont kill him, Castiel. Big plans for that man.»

I retreated, bewildered, and soon returned to heaven, not knowing what it meant. It would be many years - and many more deaths for a Mr. Captain Jack Harkness before I would find out what it meant.

My Father did indeed have big plans for that man.
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