I think I've already mentioned how crap this game is many times by now. And for those who've played it will know exactly what I mean.
For starters, what irked me the most was the camera. It was just goddamn awful. So bloody awful that within the first hour or so of playing the game I had a severe headache that caused me to take time out to PHYSICALLY lie down and wait for it to recover. Like seriously, I actually felt ill! After a while I got used to it and could a few more hours in a row but my head would occasionally hurt from time to time when I had to do some serious surrounding exploration. And don't get me started on some of the glitches. D:
Okay, I'll put aside the crap camera controls for just now since who knows, it could just be me who has this problem. But I mean, what on earth happened to the puzzle adventure element of the game?! The puzzles are far too easy, for example in one of the ruins where you had to obtain 4 colour block keys, you could get one of them by just walking through a door. Seriously. It's just not challenging anymore. It wasn't even worth my time trying to solve them using logic because it was so pointless.
Next up the story. it's a followup to Legends so it talks a little bit about Avalon and Lara's mother. Okay fine, I get the point but to me it felt like the whole game was basically meeting Natla, learning about Thor's hammer, obtaining Thor's hammer then killing Natla. Um...not very interesting guys...what was good about Legends was that it felt very mysterious, the plot was more about "discovery" which made it very intruiging for the player but this...man just wasn't on par.
And I also didn't like the combat very much. It used to be so cool being Lara and whipping out her pistols to kill pests in tombs and whatnot but now it's just....not fun. I can't describe it very well but for me it wasn't a really noteworthy element of the game at all.
Infact, the highlight of the entire game was obtaining Thor's hammer. In which case I had a real good blast zapping enemies with Mjolnir because I'm a sadisitic bitch but even that got destroyed when Lara flung it at Natla. MY MJOLNIR! ARE YOU MAD LARA?! IT'S THE BEST WEAPON EVER YOU DUMBASS! GO GET IT BACK FFS!
And so here concludes my tragic report about this stupid game. I had heard reports it was crap but I didn't know it would so bad to this extent. Now that I've played it I don't even feel like it was worth the £6 I paid for the game. Nevermind the number of precious hours of my life that I wasted to play this, I would have probably been better off reading a plot summary guide online somewhere and just learning the story from there. ;_;
But not all hope is lost! There is an upcoming TR game for the PS3 produced by Square Enix. Squaresoft used to be pretty good before they merged with Enix and then the FF games produced thereon went downhill. I hope this won't be another disappointment from them considering I had a look at some of the promotional pictures and it seems TR is going in a totally different direction. I mean Lara even has a bow! And she looks so realistic and different now which I sure hope isn't just going to be the main thing in the game because focus on graphics means slax gameplay and that is something I DO NOT WANT. When will game companies ever realize that for true gamers who play games most often and are the ones willing to spend the most on games always prioritize gameplay over graphics? Idiots.
Difficulty level: Easy (if you still find it hard google a guide, seriously there's tonnes and they'll get you whizzing through the game super fast)
Camera controls: Shit
Plot: Average. Wasn't exactly that thrilling or interesting
Combat: Wasn't really necessary but being able to use the hammer later on was really fun.
My rating: 5/10 (I don't tend to score things this low but I would never ever recommend this game to anyone. Serious.)