Oct 04, 2004 21:25
I'll pissed as hell right now. I'm depressed to but what else is new.
I spend all my time alone even if i'm around a crowd of mother fuckers.
I've kinda said whatever to god right now. i dunno why but i am alone in every other aspect of me fucking life ya know. This ain't no pity party this is tired of being alone party. I've put of with alot of shit this semester and what the hell is it for. Vancouver is looking better and better every damn day. I'm for real i might get my shit together just to go there and to hell with oklahoma. then i could play ball and live my life and start over again which i might have to do any damn way. I dunno what i'm gonna do. I'm really fed up with alot of shit about this school and this state i'm fucking misreble. Dan don't ever answer his damn phone. But its cool oh by the way my number is 405-922-9104 not 692 mis type eh the hell with it but i'm out if you wanna comment and tell me how wrong i am i don't care and i dunno if any of you do either fuck it.