Feb 13, 2005 08:55
Well, home again home again. I woke up about 2 hours ago, about 8:00. You have no idea how abnormal that is for me. But i woke up at differnt times this morning, once when the cat was breaking everything in my room, another when my dad woke up at 4 to watch tv on full blast, a few more times by the cat and then my mom decided to vacuum at 7 in the morning i got pissed and just laid in bed until my parents yelled at me to get breakfast. I got so mad i yelled at them to shut up, went down stairs got up into their faces screaming at them, and all of this was going on while my throat burned with pain, my nose ran all over the place and I had a headache from hell. Although afterward I was proud of myself that was the second time in my whole life that i actually yelled at my parents! And I didn't get in trouble for b/c I was sick (and apparently) I didn't know what i was doing...? Oh well, didnt get to go to the movies yesterday but my parents thought we might be able to go tonight. I dont believe them but whatever, I just dont have enough energy right now to fight with them. On other news my friend Jodie is sick also, she's worse then me and I really hope she gets better, but she probably doesn't b/c she doesn't want to go back to school. Lately when I talk to her on the internet she doesn't like to talk to me or something b/c she never talks to me, I think shes mad b/c of something I said the other day, but she said she wasn't mad about that, know I just don't know what to do. Do you think thats enough to talk about right now?