(no subject)

Aug 13, 2005 12:20

Ok.. Updating...

Show Choir:
Kicked alot of ass. It was work like no other but I had alot of fun and made new friends. And a few enemys. Fuckers. But I learned 7 dances and 9 songs. Then had to perform them all. Woah. During one song I had to run from almost center stage to balcony. During practice one days we re-did that part of the song about 10 times. WOAH! I swear, Jenny Craig needs THAT work out. Woosh. Then I did this cute as hell cowgirl dance. RED GROUP WON SPIRIT WEEK!:) Plus we were the best, it was the all girl group....What do you expect!:) We were cute. But I was REALLY stressed that whole week plus I was mega bitch because I was tired and crakny!:) Everyday from 9-4:30, then it got worse!! 9-3:30 then go back at 7 tunill 10!! WOAH! Weird hours! Plus me and Will couldn't see eachother on our anniversary. THAT sucked major ass on a stick.

Niagra Falls:
Great as hell. The only problem was I left the day after Show Choir was over. Woah! NO time to rest. But it was great, yet the vacation from hell. Me and Stef fought about everything. I swear to gowd! She gets pissy over the gayest shit. Urrg. At one point I went after her with a butter knife....And at another point I grabbed her by the hair and she biffed me. Lol God job Steffy!:) Then we saw a pant load of cool shit. The Ripley's museum was FUCKING crazzy! Lol and the wax museums were schweet to. Got pics of wax Jimmy Hendrix, Ozzy, Kurt Cobain, Billie Joe Armstrong (Old school), Kizz, Elvis, Angelina Jolie, Marylin Monroe, and even Marylin Manson. That bugger moved! THE ONLY wax figure to move! It was scary! I heard his music playing (freaky if you've seen House of Wax)and I went on a MANson hunt. I came to him and I was like: "MOM! TAKE A PIC!" And I stood infront of it and mimicked the pose (He was hanging from strings and in the costume from Beautiful People) and all of a sudden I look up and its eyes move and are looking at me! Then the head drops down! I screamed! It was unexpected. Then there was Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dohlemer, the Uni-bomber, Bonnie and Clyde, Hannible. It was hott. Lots of pics. The falls were BEAUTIFUL!! Oh jeezus! I went on the Maid of the Mist. It was fun. Then on the way home my grnadma pissed her pants. That was cool...I guess.

Then when I got home I saw Will. Which MADE my life! Jeeze-us! There has been alot of tension between us and we got into a HUGE ass fight yesterday!:( That sucked. But we settled that matter. And lets hope that NEVER happenes agian. But I got pissed because stupid shit happened, Matt and Gary were being dicks about it. And I'm NOT about to let them get into this. OUR relationship. Urrg. But its over now. Hung out with Bunjac yesterday!! I missed my Bunjy! LOL and we saw Greg Fletcher, Meghann (the one that was in dramam with me...dated Taco...Dont remember her last name), Corbie, Kevin, Melissa, and some other chick. I only knew a select few of them. And I think Corbie hated me...?...Then we found a stray dog. Me and Bunjac found him a home for the night. YAY! Hung out with Angelo and Dinko before that. That was fun. We watched porn...That was scary...*shakes head*...Then I left because they had football and I was expecting my man. (Never came. Hence the argument.) Then I saw Justin while walking home from Dinko's and he gave me a lift the last 3 blocks of my walk. It was cool to see him. Woks up there at the window shop by me I guess. Been awhile sence I saw him last. Not a big deal.

Hung out at Kelso's the other day. Missed her like WOAH! Welsh, Dustin Canup, and John threw my ass in the pool. Fucking cell phone in my pocket. The shit in my wallet was saved. But my phone was FUCKED! Damn it! But it's cool. For now I got my uncles old one. It sorta sucks because the screen is crakced and it rngs ludicris...But it makes me feel GANGSTER! (I'M MIKE JOOONES! >Lol Greg<) But I guess it's all good. I hope they pay for the phone. But I doubt it so i guess it's comming out of my pocket...The price I pay to hang out with Mitch and Welsh (Did I mention this was Mitch's great ass idea?)

Then I was reading notes that my boyfriend had from...."the past" and I think I incpvered something about one of my ex's he failed to tell me. I guess he was asking this...chick...to have a onw night stand with him while we were together...I think it should have bothered me. But it honestly didn't. I kinda laughed it off and mumbled about how pathetic it was in all actuality. And I'm still laughing about it. :-x But we don't need to discuss why. :)

Gotta jet need to shower lil bro's birthdy today!
X'z and O'z

Alyssa Rose ♥ And sugar we're goin' down swingin'!
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