I have not updated in SO long. So much has happened and I just got so much more into my Tumblr
http://watchingthedialtone.tumblr.com/ I wish I could somehow intergrate it into my livejournal but I don't think they've figured that out. I can do it to my facebook though which is stupid.
I saw incubus this summer and it was one of the most spiritual things I've experienced. I fall more and more in love with my fiance and he makes me feel so beautiful and alive. I had two people I love succumb to drugs again and It broke my heart. I've opened a tattoo studio with my father and we are 100% disposable and amazing!
http://www.facebook.com/dharmainktattoo There are some people that stopped posting all together on here and I got so sad. I'm still here, im active in communities but not so much in my personal journal. Stupiddd. I will try to post some links to things that have been in my interest lately but that tumblr is where its at. All things interesting in my life haha.