Apr 27, 2005 20:11

Well, i was browsing through my friends' journals and all of a sudden, all the writing became HUGE! like, when u go to post comments, its not regular sized! it's HUMONGOUS!! and it's ANNOYING!! I WANT IT BACK TO NORMAL IM NOT BLIND!! Does anyone know how to fix it? ugh... today, not too was school, i got my law test back and i did kinda bad (darf) so yea...but oh looked extremely sexy =) damn he's so hot! i wish i could screw him! im sorry to people in my school reading this and thinking "ewww wtf he's a teacher" BUT he looks like friggen MIKE SHINODA! For those who dont know who that is, it's my little icon thingy up there ^ ^ so yea...well at least I think he looks like mike...

So, after school i went to dee's! Yay! haha...we had fish and eggs (haha inside joke) and we had some whiskey! OH YEA! was great, i got kinda pissed cuz like...everytime i like a guy or something, we get his msn, and dee always becomes such good friends with them and talks with them and shit and im just sitting there going what? and it's not like i dont today i was trying to talk to alex and stuff get him to open up a bit or whatever but it's like impossible! and when i used to like mark, dee became SUCH good friends with yesterday she had a 2 hour convo with him..but whatever, i dont like him anymore..and who cares...ugh...w/e...

Sometimes i feel like dee doesnt want to be my friend, i know that's foolish but like, i at lunch she's always ALL OVER mario...or whatever...ok not ALL over but u know...and i feel like i dunno..i feel kinda dumb..i dont know why..maybe cuz I want someone to love, or someone to love ME! Stupid self-esteem thing...i hate it...but ari had some really good advice, she said if i appear to like be confident it will attract people to me (or something along those lines) and that really touched me, i love ari she's fucken amazing! honestly i would die without her this year...THANKS FOR EVERYTHING ARI I LOVE YOU!!!!

What else is on my mind? entries are usually long so yah! haha...umm...well me and Cat are going FOR SURE downtown so we are gonna be on tv! Much music at 8 pm on friday april 29th! OH YEA!! nice substitute for semi eh? hahha...Sarah cant go cuz she has some party to go to or something like that! but eh! we'll get someone else i hope! =) Tomorrow law group is coming over and we're gonna get drunk! Cant wait for that! hopefully Cam will remember and bring me his "Fred's Water" BWAHAHA! ok that's it!

Everybody hurts sometimes...
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