My Last Entry

Oct 01, 2008 08:14

Ever since I started this LiveJournal, I've had one person or another use what I write against me. Some claim that I don't care about them, others have considered me bias and more still redicule me on general purpose. What's ironic about it all is my VERY first entry was to let people know I was going to speak my mind and, while I love you all, I don't have flufy puppy dog feelings for everyone all the time. I'm a real person after all and, even with as sweet as I am, I still get mad, frustrated, sad, jealous and the whole range of emotions. Some people just can't seem to understand that.

So you know what? Screw it! I'm closing my livejournal. If they want to know how I'm doing, they'll have to track me down and ask and then hope I feel like telling them on top of that. All of you have about a week to tell me how you feel but this is going to happen regardless. This is already moved pass the perverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Truth be told, I may even start behaving more selfishly now as the things I do for some just don't feel appreciated.

So yeah, this is goodbye.
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