Day 02 - Your Favorite Movie

Apr 15, 2010 01:04

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"The Truman Show" (1998)

Watched it three weeks ago, and this is my favorite movie all the time. I've seen the poster and some teaser on HBO-maybe three years ago (I got really excited to watch it), but too bad I can't finished it. At last I did it this year! YAY FOR ME! :)

Why I choose this? Because I love the storyline. I love Jim Carrey. YES, he's my favorite actor, and I love comedy. "The Truman Show" was less comedy, but who cares? I just love the concept. Bringing someone life for public, reality-show, sounds familiar isn't it? And this is still ini 90's, still can't believe that the movie already become reality for the now generation. Reality-Show everywhere!


Getting exposed 24-hours with camera following you everywhere sounds crazy-and for Truman's case, HE EVEN DON'T KNOW ABOUT IT. Yes, he don't know that his life was captured and showed to the world. His every move, every story, everything-and THAT'S CRAZY.

I got the moral message indirectly from this movie : privacy, freedom.

I have an Idol, so do you. I understand how we, as a fan, want to know more about our Idol, but think about them too : They're normal like us, doesn't like to be followed everywhere by camera.

Allright people, time to get some privacy around here-even you're not an Idol. Or public figures.

english, challenge, neighborhood

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