[If anyone has been wondering where Li has been at all during this jailing, well, he's been in
Cell One since Friday and has stayed off of his Sphere so no one could even know where he was. He's out now, he just seems rather shaken from invisible beetles and a cryptic message on the floor he'll be trying to figure out once he's snapped out of it. If you ask him why he's so shaken though, he will not tell you anything about where he's been. His orange suit has been left intact, he's just been doing his own after curfew snooping as Hei. He really doesn't want anyone to know about that tiny detail of his personality and so he's keeping his mouth shut and suffering on his own. He's been a good boy and doesn't want anyone to think otherwise. Especially since they've all had it more rough than he has, as far as he can tell after checking the Sphere]
... I suppose I should get something to eat. I better not find beetles in my food or I'm going to hurl...