heres so much chaos.
My whole family is fucked up.
Everyone in this fuckin world is fucked up.
They go to "things" to make them get away from what they cant deal with.
Its fuckin sad.
Faking that you care or never talking to me..ever.
Going through a rough ass time, when you cant put into words how much it hurts so you show it on your body.
Drinking till you dont know where you are and pass out.
Dealing with other peoples shit so you can ignore your own.
Talking about how stoned, and trippy your night was when you arent even honest to your own significant other.
Leaving me stranded, alone, with lies.
Believing in another "god" and preaching it to me.
Saying how beautiful and awesome I am and then leaving me, for something I cant even compeat with.
Laughing right in my face.
Searching for the right key just to get into your brothers car to find cigarettes, only to find an empty carton.
Visiting friends who've changed so much you dont know what to say.
Not eating for so long because you dont want to focus on what hurts you the most.
Having a virus in your body that you have to literally put poison in your vains to cure it.
All this shit.
I cant even begin to explain how much it frustrates me.
How much it hurts to see/go through it.
The list can go on forever.
I dont know what to do..