...and if it can't find myself..i'll find somebody else

Jan 18, 2005 19:41

as much as you feel the end is near..
its really not.. the begining is on its way

if i could promise you that the lights you see
could be different today
would you think me a saint..or even better..a friend

describe you in one word
because your all the rave
because i need
to see you everywhere....

oh..am i
on a
collision course
with my
doctor prescribed fate

enh,,well my time on this part of hte earth is almost done..which is great news if i may say so..its been a long ass year..but in hindsight..i don't remember much..except the tramtic stuff i guess..

losing a whole year...i remember how i posted that a year ago..not sure if i still feel that..as much as i hate the army..it was a means to an end...an end i have not got to live out yet..but i have high hopes..thse school scene seems to be playing out..yeah there is alot that can happen between now and then but enh we shall see.

and speaking of between now and then..my heart...its hard to believe a year..that i've been away from the person i care the most about on this planet. i want my time back. ah as many people that doubt what i have..enh i've come to realize that they need to pull my tower down once they realized that all their hopes were based on something false...most of the time..themselves. and to be hoenst..i can not blame them because i was there.

ah i'm pretty much rambling..but this goes out to a certain person who i hope will realize i'm talking to them..i may have not have found a (wise)reason to stay, but you are my reason to come back.
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