Fics on demand! Join!

May 25, 2005 12:30

(If I'm not supposed to do this on certain comms... my deepest apologies. I'll take the slap on the wrist and accept the deletion of my post. X-posting gets a little confusing. ;;U_U)

Okay folks, I joined a very cool comm today and am doing my duty of pimping it out as a member but also because there needs to be more than anime requests! So join and post a request, folks!

Everyone will want to join because listen to this awesome challenge for the month of June! Anyone who writes at least one fic fullfilling a request per day in the month of June will recieve either 6 months of paid LJ service or a $15 gift certif for or online retailer of your choice. Pretty freaking cool, huh? And even if you don't write, how about requesting things you don't get enough of? I put in a request for Bruce/Johnny Dead Zone fics.

Please join and post requests! You don't even have to be fandom specific if you just have random ideas. =)

~Clarity / Karasu ( ')>

X-posting all over the place. Apologies if you get this multiple times.
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