Don't read if chicks complaining about their weight annoys you....
I'm on a new diet. I'm going back to how it was last summer: no junk food (except chocolate :3), no fast food, no eating out, no taking other people's food (like when my friends offer me something to eat at school), and no eating after 6 PM. I'm sick of looking in the mirror every morning and hating what I see. My stomach bugs me A LOT. It's just annoying, seeing the 10 lbs. I gained since last June. I feel like, if I lose more weight, guys will like me more? Yeah, I guess that's it. Let's see how this one goes, counting the fact that there's chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in the freezer... >.<
Plus, I wrote to Gavin last week, and sent the letter this Monday 'cause my mom didn't wanna take it sooner. Anyways, it's been almost 3 days and he hasn't written back. He usually writes back by the second day and it gets here in like a day. Maybe he's upset at what I wrote in one of the letters... I hope he isn't mad or something. I don't want him to go to the damn Marines, he could be gone for up to 2 years at a time. I don't want him to leave. Yeah, I've liked him for like 3 years, but as much as I can deny it to some of my friends and say I got over him a long time ago, I can't. I don't know what keeps drawing me to him, but I can't help it.
I want it to be June 11th, I wanna see him again. I wanna hold him and talk and just be with him, I don't care if he just wants me as a friend. It's better than nothing, but deep down, I don't want him to leave to the Marines without knowing how it could have been between us.