and really, this one's even longer

Jun 05, 2007 20:43

Well, I'm using finals as an excuse. However, there have been a few significant events since my last post.
1) went to OH for cousin's wedding. Nice wedding. I will never have one that religious, though, because I would choke to death on the "MAN AND WOMAN, MAN AND WOMAN" thing. I'd be much happier without the sacrament. Saw the family, which was nice, ate excellent food, also a plus.
2) FINALS. They ate my brain. But I got them all done. Now I just need to remember to check my grades. Why am I so adverse to checking grades? Seriously. You would think I wouldn't be, but I am.
3) Scottie's graduation. Yay little brother!!! Visited him, saw his cute little apartment, which is no longer his, ate more excellent food, fell down the steps but did NOT drop the stereo, and bled. A lot. All over my leg and my aunt and through my bandaids. Did some touristy stuff, hung with the family some more, relaxed.
4) Both first and second interviews for a job as an analyst at the place I work now. I think the interviews went well, but I have no professional experience, so I don't think I'm going to get it. This is part of the reason I didn't write before now. Because I had no idea what to say about it, and I don't like talking about jobs i'm applying for or working towards or whatever. But yeah, probably not getting it so...
5) Almost fell off the bus!!!! managed not to, but did something to my right knee and left foot. this will come up later.
6) Another wedding! Saw a bunch of people I haven't seen since graduation, hung with Annette, which was beyond awesome! We had Graeters, and went shopping, and bought awesome jewelry so we looked lovely at the wedding.
7) Said fuck it, do the Taiwan thing, because I've got to get started on that and, again no job. So yeah, I'm making serious progress on that front. More updates when I have more specifics, but most likely I will leave the last day or so of June, and be back in country approximatley August 19. And then will go home a day or two later, to see Sary and Shelly, and my family and Sam the Cat and the Blue doggie.
8) went to doctor about aforementioned knee twisted in not-falling-off the bus. I apparently basically sprained it, though the fancy name is tendonitis, so i've got anti-inflammatory, and an ace bandage to wear.

I think those are the highlights. I kinda just want to go to bed. ::Sigh::

the pursuit, whining, yanjiusuo

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