The Annual Valentine's Day Denouncement: '07 Edition

Feb 14, 2007 11:29

What, y'all thought y'all wasn't gon' see me?

Every year on this day, the world gets tricked into celebrating this fraudulent excuse for a holiday.  And every year, I stand high atop my soapbox and say 'Fuck that.'  Well, to be honest, there's nothing new.  I can't tell you anything about this BS that you don't already know.  What I can do, however, is explore what makes this crap what it is.  What I can - nay - am GOING to do, is point fingers.  Point fingers directly at the people who keep the wheels turning on this nonsense.


Like it or not, women are at the forefront of this 'holiday.'  Expectant women, in and out of relationships, each of them with their hands out every February the 14th.  I can't really blame women though.  If someone came up with a holiday that showered me with free gifts, I'd take advantage too.  Maybe its time to change the name from Valentine's to 'Advantageous Women Get Free Shit' Day.  I'd feel a little better about this whole thing if we'd just be honest about it.

And speaking of honesty, I'm going to be perfectly honest and tell you that there isn't a woman in the world who doesn't want anything today.  Some women may try to downplay the whole ordeal with that whole "I hate Valentine's Day" act (yes, ACT, because your frontin' ass would not be mentioning the shit if you didn't care), but trust me, they're just suckering some poor sap into a store.  That reminds me . . .


Now we move on to the people actually contributing hard-earned cash to this farce.  As a former sap, I can tell you, its not easy.  You stand in line with about seven or eight men just as miserable as you are, and feign excitement as you shell out cash - not because you yourself feel its necessary, but because your 'significant other' might just stab your empty handed ass.

And for what?  A 'thanks' and a one armed hug (she has your money in her other hand ... also, your testicles).  You can get fake gratitude from just about anywhere, why spend money on it?  Strippers give fake gratitude.  Since this holiday is essentially about money and women, what better place to truly celebrate the spirit of Valentine's than at a strip joint?  I won't be with you, because I enjoy my woman's company.  But if you're going to spend money on an ungrateful female anyway, you might as well get her to show you her breasts.

All jokes aside, I can get past all the hullabaloo of this holiday and see it for something different.  Maybe we shouldn't waste our time chasing fake, storebought romance and just spend some valuable time with those that truly matter.  And if that's the case, then what do we need Valentine's for?  That should be an everyday way of thinking, if you ask me.  And I know you didn't, but I'm telling you anyway.

Fuck all this VD shit.

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