Passion, my ramblings

May 27, 2014 17:57

Passion is key to creating. we take are deepest passions and spill them out into works of art, writings and song. we speak of old emotions and dreams. Sometimes this creating can speak of the future. Sometimes its stale and lacks luster. We torture our self to create when there is no flow. We are our hardest critic. We leave these passions open in the vulnerable state so the world can judge them.

Now is time to let go. Let the universe show us the way back to true passions and create from the bottom of our heart. Create and manifest something more unique than ever.

With every burst of inspiration it will echo and inspire others to give into their passions! A chain reaction of absolute true soul spreading out into every atom.

555 time for change.

Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.
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