Dec 27, 2003 14:02
I'm going to join the army. Hoorah. I dumped TJ. Thankfully. Now I'm dating Brad.
I actually quit IHOP. Well, I put in my two weeks notice, which my bosses promptly ignored. Not only am I on the schedule for next week, but I'll be working about 16 hour shifts. And I won't be getting overtime. Way to fuck me up the ass, ye corporate lemurs. I hate, no loathe, my job. It's so terrible that I'll be joining the service and not only condoning, but actually participating in, the breaking down of an individual to serve an illogical and unrational government. Why? Because I have nothing better going for me. I would rather denounce any and all of my basic principles than stay in a dead-end job for the next few weeks/months/years. Makes you wonder just how sound these principles were to begin with.