*apologies for cross-posting*
*please forward wherever you feel it's appropriate*
Toronto needs somewhere we can play that has rules as liberal as the law will allow. That's what makes us so BENT!
There's so much news to tell you that I'm not going to include it all in one very long email. Take a look at all the pretty new pages on the BENT web site.
http://bentplay.com NEWS HIGHLIGHTS
- BENT Workshop Series starts this Fall! (
- Our equipment was upgraded over the summer!
- Lady Viktoria is our new Chief DM!
- BENT DM Training Program offered! (
- Sign up to our email list! (bentplay-subscribe@yahoogroups.com)
- Check out our FAQ (
**Registration is now open for the next BENT**
Saturday, September 6, 2008 (the weekend after Labour Day)
BENT is on the first Saturday of every month.
9:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.
Tickets are $25.00 per person
Includes light refreshments and non-alcoholic beverages throughout the evening.
**NOTE ** We didn't wanna put the price up, but making improvements gets expensive!
* There is no dress code. Fetish and kink attire are welcome, but not required. Wear something you feel good in!
* All people (18 and over) are welcome, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
* No alcohol or drugs are permitted. Persons found with alcohol or drugs on site will be requried to leave immediately. No refunds will be offered.
Please take a moment to read the complete list of House Rules at
http://bentplay.com/rules.htm **Dungeon Monitor Training Workshop**
Part of BENT's DM Training Program
Presented by Dana (host of BENT) and Lady Viktoria (BENT's Chief DM)
Saturday, September 6th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
$40 registration fee includes a personal DM safety kit
Workshop participants must register in advance at bent.signup@gmail.com
Dungeon Monitors (DMs, sometimes referred to as Play/Safety Monitors) are like the lifeguards of the kink world. There aren't enough of them! Dana and Viktoria will teach you the DM basics through lecture, hands on training, group exercises and our play monitor's manual: The Black Rose Safety Monitor's Training Guide.
I look forward to seeing everybody at the new, improved BENT!!
Dana (Black Orchid)