stole this frum josh<3

Feb 08, 2004 19:59

oo1.]Name: Miriam Victoria Zarin
oo2.]Tru PLaYA SiNCe: i met josh..haha PIMPTRESS
oo3.]Piercings: ears
oo4.]Tattoos: scared if i get one ill regret it
oo5.]Height: 5'6 1/2...or 7..dont knwo
oo6.]Shoe Size: 8
oo7.]Hair: BLACKKK
oo8.]Siblings: 2 whole, 2 half
oo9.]Pets: i miss my doggie =(

oo1.]Movie you rented: the shawshank redemption and donnie darko
oo2.]Movie you bought: nooo clue
oo3.]Song you listened to: hmm..i dont remember
oo4.]Song that was stuck in your head: big pimpin
oo5.]Thing that you've downloaded: big pimpin- jay z
oo6.]CD you bought: haha dont remember
oo7.]CD you listened to: my burned cd
oo8.]Person you've called: prolly sara
oo9.]Person that's called you: sara or assal
o1o.]TV show you've watched: that actors studia thing with charlize theron...damn shes gorgeous
o11.]Person you were thinking of: well wouldnt it be charlize theron(sp)

oo1.]Have a girlfriend: i have a manslut...aka josh
oo2.]Have a boyfriend: read ^^^
oo3.]Have a crush on someone: n ronny call him JJ
oo4.]Wish you could live somewhere else: san diego...
oo5.]Think about suicide: haha that was soo 8th grade
oo6.]Believe in online dating: NOOOO
oo7.]Want more piercings: YA..sorta
oo8.]Want more tattoos: nope
oo9.]Drink: i cant drink if im with my sister cuz she'll fucking kill me
o1o.]Do drugs: only soemtimes
o11.]Smoke: haha that was yesterday
o13.]Like roller coasters: orgasmic
o14.]Write in cursive or print: im too lazy to pick the pen up from the paper so its sorta cursive and sorta print
o15.]Carry a donor card: nopee

oo1.]TV Shows: friends (of course), that 70s show
oo2.]Thing in the world: josh!
oo3.]Thing to collect: hmm...i ono
oo4.]Color of all time: red...preferably dark
oo5.]Thing to do on a rainy day: cuddle
oo6.]Feeling in the world: dream sex!...haha, why is sex soooo much better in ur dreams?

oo1.]Ever cried over a boy: ya
oo2.]Ever lied to someone: of courseeeee
oo3.]Ever been in a fist fight: with my siblings
oo4.]Perfume you use: BCBG metro
oo5.]Shoes you wear: my babies!!!...adidas campus...i love those shoes soooo much...theyve beenw ith me everywhere!
oo6.]You're scared of: spiders..bleghhh

oo1.]Of continents you have lived in: uno
oo2.]Of drugs taken illegally: i dont know
oo3.]Of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends: josh and sara
oo4.]Of people I consider my enemies: everyone
oo5.]Of times my name has appeared in the school newspaper: never
oo6.] Of scars on my body: tonssss...damn volleyball making me slide all over the floor

Are You...
oo1.]Understanding: very stubborn
oo2.]Open-minded: ..sometimes
oo3.]Interesting: not really
oo4.]Hungry: .. all the fuckign time
oo5.]Friendly: depends
oo6.]Childish: omg ya!
oo7.]Healthy: i doubt it
oo8.]Difficult: ...very stubborn
oo9.]Thirsty: a lil bit
o1o.]Responsible: im scared of responsibility..thas why id otn wanna grow up
o11.]Sad: right now im miserable..VAN NUYS SUCKS
o12.]Happy: ^^^
o13.]Trusting: yeh...a lil too much...its a shady world outthere
o13.]Talkative: o god ya
o14.]Lonely: ya
o15.]Own a webcam: it doesnt work ne mroe!
o16.]Ever get off the damn computer: yaaa...thsi thing is a piece of shit...and im very impatient

oo1.] Current Clothes: my elementary shirt that has a gay tiger and says "sherman oaks school"...and my a&f jean skirt
oo2.] Current Mood: stressin
oo3.] Current Taste: onions
oo4.] Current Hair: nice n straight
oo5.] Current Annoyence: school and everything to do with it..and it feels like soemthing is stuck in muh throat
oo6.] Current Smell: i ono..there is no smell
oo7.] Current thing you ought to be doing: hw or cleaning
oo8.] Current Book: HARRY POTTER 3 BIATCHES!...thas my favortie one outta them all
oo9.] Current DVD in player: none
o1o.] Current Refreshment: cranberry juice
o11.] Current Worry:
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