In school...

May 13, 2005 23:12

I'm sitting in school missing Carl. He's in baltimore until Sunday night. Luckily today I'm hanging out with Russ :), I haven't seen him in over a week, not cool. Got invited to a party tonight but I don't think I'm going to end up going, I have a family party to go to in the morning. I don't really have much more to say I don't think...hmmmm. Just can't wait for this school year to be over. Short days of achedmics next week and then four days of shop and I'm done. Can't wait!. I also can't wait till Carl comes to stay with me on May 30th for a week. I'm going with him to senior reception and he's coming to my graduation. Gotta love it.

Carl, I love you sweetheart and I can't wait till you come home.
Russ, you be good or I'll send my geese after you!

Later Kiddos,
~*Jessie Anne*~
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