Mar 28, 2004 17:29
"I need to run away, run away, run away, run away tonight..."
So yeah. I got on here telling myself I would go review that John Kerry website now, but I got stuck checking my mail and then got really depressed. so now, I'm staring at myself type these stupid, vernacular words, aqua on black. Anyone care to join me?
Allison... you go right ahead and set those words to music. I don't care. As long as you give me credit for the words and half of your makings when your famous.
it's 58 degrees and I'm wearing shorts. The snow only left last week.
fucking Quizno's Subs never called me back. I went into the store the day after they said they would call, and the guy said, "Uhhh, my wife's handling that. I'll have her contact you." Yeah. so that was Wednesday. It got to be Friday and I still hadn't heard anything. I stopped in after school, but no one was there. I think they're afraid of me. So, I took down the numbers in front and call this chick's cell phone. She finally picks it up after about 10 rings. Her reception is horrible. But I did manage to make out that they're holding my application because I'm leaving in the fall, and she'll call me next week. Bitch. So I had to start applying at other places, only now, the places I'm applying at I'll wonder how the 45 minute walk to those places will be. Especially if I close, and it's dark. yay.
I wanna go home. I can't wait for this week to be over.