Soooo! I finally have that news! Which happened at the end of September, but then I was busy. With my NEWS! Which is...I have a house! And I love it. :D
And my kitties love it. So yes! That is my super exciting news! And I have a picture of my door, but not really much more. I'll get on that, I guess.
But as exciting as that is, (and it is very exciting) that's not actually what I'm writing about. Because I got a box of awesome from
alex51324, and I wanted to share the awesomeness that it is.
Box o' awesome!
My cat not letting me take a picture, because she really liked that satchet.
Really liked it.
Really, really liked it.
You could probably say she's a fan of that satchet.
Here's the stuff, sans cat.
There are some books, and a halloween pen, a keychain, a map puzzle, a robot toy, a poofy zebra, jingle-bell necklace, paddleball, a hedgehog keychain, round playing cards, a lion mask, a picture frame, a harry potter postcard, some poofy letters, a bag of tea and candy, :D some party crackers, a necklace, one of those things you look through, and everything goes all wierd, and a wooden rubber-band catapult thingy. Aaaand (because they were so awesome and I took them out right away, and therefore forgot to put them in the picture)
John and Rodney rabbits!!!
So, thank you, Alex. It is awesome!
Also that picture of my door. And my living room.
Living room.