itsabigrock and I went to see Christian Kane in concert. (Like a week ago. What? Don't judge me!) It was awesome! Many of her friends were there, who were all awesome as well.
Then, yesterday, I did suspension. That's right. That was awesome too.
I don't really have any good pictures of the suspension, itself, only the before and after, as it was dark, and my camera is sometimes temperamental. (which, wow, I did not know was spelled that way until right this minute.)
Anyway, It was great, and I've been feeling pretty mellow all day today because of it. (Also very sore). May write more about it when I'm feeling just a little less mellow, and am therefore having an easier time forming sentences.
Also looking forward to school starting again, especially because this term will be full of awesome classes, such as "Queer Early Modern Lit." Only two more weeks.
Oh! And I ordered Cassidy Haley's CD from his ebay store, and it arrived...ummm...Tuesday. I am enjoying it. Only 6 tracks, but fun, nonetheless.