FIC: Private Party

Aug 16, 2010 23:40

Title: Private Party
Pairing: Neil/David
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: This is RPF. I am in no way implying that the following ever took place. It is a work of fiction.
Summary: Neil and David arrive home after David's surprise party.
Word Count: 1171
Author's Note: I wrote this in June, after the Regis & Kelly where Neil and Kelly talked about the party. I never quite finished it, because I wasn't really happy with it, but now two months later I found myself with writer's block on an original novel I'm working on, so came back to this. I ended up just tweaking some parts based on recent events, but I left others as they were written back in June - so some of it doesn't fit with how we now know Neil spent his summer. Enough rambling, or my author's note will be longer than the fic itself!

David stepped as close as he could behind Neil, resting his chin on his boyfriend's shoulder as Neil struggled to get the key in the door. A mixture of the alcohol in his system and David's warm breath on his neck were distracting him from being able to find the lock.

As David's hands snaked around Neil's waist, fumbling with the buckle on his belt, Neil started to laugh and batted David's hands away playfully.

“Jeez, David!” He finally got the key into the lock and turned around to kiss David with a grin before twisting the key and opening the door. “Can't you wait til we get inside?”

“Nope,” he replied, trying to stop smiling for long enough to pout at Neil. “You got me drunk! You know I get handsy when I'm drunk.”

Neil tugged at David's hand and pulled him up close to kiss him, kicking the apartment door shut once they were inside. Sighing happily, David relaxed in his boyfriend's arms.

“So you were really surprised?” Neil questioned, for what David thought must be at least the thirtieth time. “I was sure you figured it out when I was all stressy this afternoon. Not to mention when Kelly and Mark went crazy.”

David shrugged. “Yes, Neil, I was really surprised. I just figured it was some work thing that was stressing you out. It usually is.”

He regretted that comment immediately. He hadn't meant anything by it, but Neil's lack of sleep had been a bone of contention in the household for the last few weeks. Ever since the Smurfs had started on night shoots, David was worried about Neil, Neil was snapping at David for being worried in the first place, and they hardly ever had time to see each other.

Tonight had been the perfect remedy for that. More than once, David had been having conversations with friends that he hadn't seen in far too long, and caught Neil staring at him with the kind of look in his eyes that, to use a cliché, made his heart skip a beat. In those split seconds where their eyes met, and Neil smiled across the room at him, David was reminded that no matter what fights they had, or how much time they were forced to spend apart, Neil would always love him.

So instead of dwelling on that one ill-timed comment, David gathered a handful of Neil's shirt and pulled him closer. “It was amazing. I don't know how you had time to arrange everything.”

Neil smiled and hooked a finger in one of David's belt loops, happily closing the distance between their lips and kissing his boyfriend again. “I couldn't possibly reveal my secrets.”

David turned so that his back was to Neil, intending to lead the two of them into the bedroom. Instead he spun too quickly, making himself a little dizzy, and turned too far - falling over the edge of the couch in the process. Neil snorted with laughter as David faceplanted into the cushions.

“Sexy,” he commented, with a cheeky grin. Dropping his jacket on the floor, he waited until David rolled onto his back before holding out his hand, and David pulled Neil down to join him on the couch.

“I love you,” David whispered. “I'm so lucky.”

Neil blushed. “I love you too.” He paused, not wanting to spoil the mood, but he was more than a little drunk and had some things he would probably be less willing to say in the morning. “I'm sorry I've been such an ass to live with lately.” He saw David frown and open his mouth to argue, and shook his head. “Don't say I haven't, because I have. You've been trying to help me and take care of me and I haven't been letting you because I'm too stubborn for my own good.”

David wrapped his arms tightly around Neil with a smile and a little shrug. “You get grumpy when you're tired. I don't take it personally.”

“Good,” Neil grinned, snuggling up closer on the couch and lowering his voice to a whisper. “Because I have another surprise for you. Well, for both of us, I guess.”

David cocked his head, intrigued. “You do?”

Neil nodded. “I've been talking with a few people over the last couple of days, and we've agreed that I need some time off. So as soon as I'm done on The Smurfs, I'm all yours until July. There are still a couple of details to figure out, but I'm going to be free until Rent rehearsals start, so I thought we'd leave town, maybe even leave the country. Spend some quality time that's just the two of us, where we can't be interrupted. Since it'll be our last chance to be alone at all, come the fall. Anywhere you want to go.”

David's eyes lit up as soon as Neil mentioned time off. Neil had been badgering him for weeks about what he wanted for his birthday, and David had fended him off with practical kitchen items that he wanted for work - but if he'd been completely truthful, the words 'you, all to myself' were the first thing in his mind. He'd just refrained from saying it because he knew how busy Neil was, and didn't want to add to the stress by making him feel guilty too.

He realised Neil was still talking. “So I checked it all out with Molly too, and she says they'll be fine without you. I might have agreed to you owing her-”

David interrupted Neil's flow with another kiss. “You always know exactly what I want,” he smiled, settling against Neil's chest and closing his eyes. He could feel Neil's heart beating, and as his boyfriend's arms relaxed around him, he felt safer and happier than he had done in weeks.


Neil opened one eye with a smile. “Yeah?”

“Shouldn't we go to bed?”

Neil shook his head like a petulant child and kissed David again. “Nope. Staying here. Comfortable.”

David laughed. “Okay, but don't blame me when your back hurts so much you can't move tomorrow, old man.”

Neil snorted. “Practising playing Dad already?” he teased.

David laughed. “I think you're a bigger kid than any baby could ever be.”

“I thought I was an old man?”

“I think you're the only person I've ever met who's both. And I love you for it. And for a thousand other reasons.”

Neil smiled, his eyes closed, and then laughed to himself. “Tell me more of these reasons.”

“Neil, are you asking me for a bedtime story?”

Neil opened one eye and looked at David, grinning. Tonight had been perfect. Any time spent alone with David just goofing around was always perfect. He snuggled in closer and closed his eyes again.


pg-13, character: neil patrick harris, pairing: neil/david, character: david burtka, rps

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