I'm not too sure if this will even come handy to anyone, seeing as there are a bunch of lightening tutorials out there for caps, but it also has some coloring techniques you might find useful.
Just gotta say, I'm using Misha, cause I've developed a crush on Castiel. ♥
Yep, sad but true. :P
c u r v e s
(Now, you might not need this layer, because it brightens up like hell, and your photo might already be bright enough for it, the levels layer might be just the lighting you need.)
Point one: 34/74
Point two: 64/125
Point three: 118/218
Screencap. l e v e l s
240606 Screen 55%
FFE072 Colorburn 15%
030014 Exclusion 100%
s e l e c t i v e c o l o r
R: -100/36/44/100
Y: 100/-100/0/15
N: 0/-10/0/-10
Blacks: 0/0/0/10
Texture by
white_lilie Duplicate base on Exclusion 40%
c o l o r b a l a n c e
Hightlights: +20/0/0
c h a n n e l m i x e r
R: 100/0/0/10
G: 0/108/0/5
B: 0/0/112/2
s e l e c t i v e c o l o r
Blacks: 0/0/0/10
The End.
.PSD file! (Comment if taking.)