Mar 12, 2009 18:46
"Why would you join the Peace Corps? There are people in your own country that need help just as much."
Why? Because people are people. What difference does my or their location make? I may be extremely naive, but that's what I believe so it really gets to me when people talk about how organizations like the Peace Corps are "useless" or "a waste of valuable time."
I have to go to class. Maybe Mr. Durant will be less of an ass & actually write a recommendation for me. Or at least put me down politely. That would be better than the total lack of response that I keep receiving (or not receiving depending on how you look at things?) from a certain other person that I asked via email this past weekend.
At least my break officially starts at 8:25pm.
Edit: He said he'd be happy to write a recommendation for me :) I have organizing and emailing to do!