Well my vacation week is almost over. *Le sigh.* It was nice to have a week off for a change. Those people were seriously getting on my nerves a little... One you can not do anything to please it seems sometimes, another driving me nuts with their inability to stop worrying about a certain minor surgery that ended up being nothing at all it seems like I had told them over and over again, and the other of which I can't seem to pinpoint just what is it in words that annoys me.
We went to Disneyland on Wednesday and it was a nice day. Good weather: not too hot with a slight breeze. I think it was one of our more pleasant trips to the place. One of the best parts about going was actually having spending money. That was nice. I ended getting a couple of pins (which I think I'll start to collect and make a banner or something to stick them on) and a little music box that has to be wound and plays part of "You Can Fly."
The Pirates of the Caribbean unfortunately had another makeover done to it. It included a little too much of a "hand over Captain Jack Sparrow" theme. I liked that he'd pop out at random bits and be hiding, but I didn't like that certain things like the guy being dunked into a well for info on where the money was is now being dunked for information where Jack Sparrow is. It's still a nice eye candy/relaxing ride though.
Haunted Mansion is still great and one of my favorites. The Buzz Lightyear ride was amusing because it was a sort of interactive ride in which you got to shoot at various targets while you were on it and had a joystick to turn the cart you were in to face the various opponents. My aiming sucks, but it was still fun all the same.
We didn't go on Star Tours ;_;. We did however go on the redid Space Mountain which was fun, but it blinded me for a few seconds at the end when it took my picture. All darkness to slight light and then flash flash. The nice thing about many of the Disney rides is that it is interesting to stand in line too, but this one was a tad boring to. At least it wasn't that long. We didn't even bother with the Nemo ride, the line was so long.
The fireworks at the end were spectacular. There were blue star ones that had a golden center show up moments after the blue star formed and red heart fireworks. I don't think I've seen shaped fireworks like that before.
The next day we went to Hearst Castle. It was interesting. The place costs about 10 million a year to keep running and the family is allowed access after touring hours despite that the place now belongs to the state. There are wild Zebra running about the area among other herbavor type animals.
We went on the 2nd tour so we got to see the Neptune Pool out front, several guest rooms, Hearst and his girl friend's room, the guest library, Hearst's library, the pantry, the tennis court, and another pool...I forget the name of the last one. The guest Library was neat. It had a bunch of old Greek pots in there. I couldn't see the pictures on them well though otherwise I might have tried to have guessed what myths they represented.
Hearst's library was huge in comparison and had statues in the back of it, a painting of him in it, many rare books, but it didn't look as comfortable as the guest library did if I recall. The tower bedroom was my favorite because I think it had windows going all the way around and tick gold curtains to block the outside. It just seemed nice. Another room had a painting of Luna and Endymion on the ceiling. First time that I recall actually seeing art of those two. Unfortunately the painting was in an area that hard to see with the limited area we were allowed to walk in.
In the gift shop I bought a clam with a mystery pearl inside. It had a silly make a wish before you open the clam thing. I opened it yesterday. It ended up being a white pear that was so large that it barely fit into the clamp that they gave for it. It still doesn't close all the way after many tries and repositions.
Last week we got three kittens. My youngest sister paid a little under $10 each. There are 2 females and one male. Their names are; Freckles, Flower, and Buddy. Flower has a couple of stripes going down her back that makes me think of a skunk so I was happy when they named her that. I think Freckles is what the petshop was calling her and I don't know where Buddy came from. They're cute grey and white tabbies...medium hair I suppose. Now is the time for many scratches. I seem to come to them at the wrong time. They mostly stay with mom and youngest sister if they sleep on anyone.
I finished the final Harry Potter book before we went to Disneyland. Here are my thoughts on it without hopefully any spoilers: I was worried about a few characters by the end after several that I liked had bad things happen to them. My favorite character ended up dead, but that really didn't surprise me (doesn't make it less depressing) because characters I tend to like in series are the ones that end up dead (or dead before everyone else in the case of Misato from Evangelion) so after growing fond of this character I predicted that they would die at the end even if I hoped they wouldn't.
I liked that pretty much everything was concluded and explained and that nothing was really left to guesswork. (Never really liked that with mysteries and horrors.) Though I wondered what happened to a few of the characters especially after reading that some time later part at the end.
Ah that's about it I suppose.