geez... I'm such tired now, because I've only slept three hours last night and of course the nights before weren't so much better.
But now a friend is still now visiting me and she will be drive home on sunday. I think I've told you before XD
Anyway... to go to the instruction is really suck. I can't concentrate me in learning, perhaps I can't learn so much there o___O'
No way... yesterday I've sitting in class for seven hours and nothing had interested me. Damn it's so unforable to be good in working with Photoshop, if you get a class where most of the people are still rookies >____< It's so stupid x___x
And today wasn't better in any case. First I praciticed my englisch grammar with the computer program named "Buisness Connection"
Maybe someone of you know about o__O'
It was boring...later I had three lessons English and had to write a test about this program and the grammar. I'm sure I make some mistakes, which never had happen, if I still would be more concentrated and even not so tired XD
It's just my own fault.
And now, I'm sitting in application practice XD I hope I can go home soon >____<' it sucks so much.
But... enough from further education.
Yesterday, after my friend arrived (she was standing in traffic jam), we were only be home for an hours before another friend called me to go to the cinema with her. So she, my guest and of course my girlfriend were going to see Jack Sparrow...CAPTIAN Jack Sparrow in his last film.
Of course it was awesome and really funny sometimes, but after all... the second part of the trilogy was more formidable. XD But i love the first part the most. It's normal to like the first movie of trilogy, isn't it?
Sure, I would want to see the film a second time or of course threetimes. XDD The many Sparrows were so adorable *____*
so... it's enough for now....
see ya later