I have accomplished one thing lately

Jul 17, 2005 02:04

I've actually been working out! lol I have worked out about 3-4 times in the past 5 days. I am hopeful that I can finally get in shape and not be curvy and 5'10" (because lets face it, tall, small-boned chicks are supposed to be thin dammit!). I just want to gain muscle (I don't care about weight so much). I have worked my self just to the point where I have kicked my ass without killing myself. This is why I usually work out twice a year and quit! I am getting back into basketball and have played extensively as well as weight training and some cardio stuff. I have a goal of excercising 3 times a week during the year. *crosses fingers* I played basketball out in the fucking heat today in the park but I didn't even care (afterwards my face were as red as my shorts!). I have a lot of bruises (I attribute a few to the 4th of July incident, but there are new ones). Like I have one on my arm that is about the size of two golf balls lined together, which is a slight concern considering I don't remember where I got it. I might have anemia so I should watch out for that.

I also saw Garden State today on tv. Good film! Props to Zack Braff (sp?) who was the lead actor as well as writer/director of the film. Natalie Portman was good in it as well. ;)
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