...-Insecurities- You will be missed... (T.T)

Feb 19, 2009 22:46

Date: 19 Feb 2009

Just can't stop feeling sad, tears keep flowing from my eyes even as of now... though I know I might be too emotional...but... (T.T)

Mr SK Lim, one of the most respected managing director of our company, is pursuing a new future...

All the best SK! The PNG team will miss you alot... *wipes off tears* X'3

I will remember the times when you encourage me to take up the shipping course to upgrade my skills, and your famous "always try new stuff" line!

Even my trade manager - JO, was crying during the PNG meeting lunch when the news broke out...it really upsets me....really...since both of them are really dear to me... (T^T)

PW, our Line manager is gonna be a consultant/mentor too... the PNG team seems so helpless now...

Life will go on... but how well? No one really knows exactly... maybe for the better...maybe for the worst..so many possibilities....none can tell...

"That" someone who's gonna get involved with the PNG trade? NO high hopes please. I get TURN OFF by ARROGANT people. SORRY, CAN'T HELP IT. D:

*blows nose*

P/S: What I learnt from the PNG meeting for these two days...

Q:What is the threat to our market?
A: Things that cannot be controlled. [That would be YOU, FUGTARD. Why bother coming back to SG  to upset everyone? You should just stay in Shanghai & eat $%#$@#!!! DX]

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