But, Dawson's the lame one!

Jul 18, 2007 17:16

Ahh, forbidden love. While everyone else on your floor is fighting over the cute R.A., you've set your sights a little higher (and a little older). He's brilliant, clever, and when he's up there talking his talk at the front of the class, all you can think about is how much you want to get him alone. Yeah, he'll lose his job if he makes out with you, but isn't that exactly the sort of doomed love story you've always hoped to star in?

How you'll recognize him: It's easy. He's behind the podium, saying smart stuff, and looking hot - especially if you squint a little.

Why he's perfect for you: OK, honestly, he's not. But at this moment in your life, he will provide you with a lovely mental image when all the other guys you know are getting drunk and acting like idiots.

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