Well, now I'm really getting down to the wire. Things are going pretty smoothly however, so I'm pretty lucky as far as that's concerned. Mostly, I'm worried about getting everything done for work. There are still some pretty big projects left on my desk. I think I'm going to push one or two off on Sarah, though.
I had dinner with my immediate family tonight (nearly all 15 of them) and I had such a good time! I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful group of people to call my own! I have it so good and I know it! We were all loud and obnoxious and picking on each other and cried a lot and shared a bunch of "remember when..." stories. I love them all so much! I can't imagine what life is like for people who don't have a wonderful awesome family like mine. There are no words to describe how fantastic it is or how much I appreciate them!
We were at the restaurant for a few minutes short of three hours. But that's how it always is with us! The wait staff was phenomenal, too. So much so that went out of my way to talk to the manager and tell him how awesome Nicki and Karen were!
At work today, I didn't accomplish as much as I would have liked to. Plus I got ALL of the bitchy customers. (No joke!) It really ticked me off. I did NOT have time for that! I hope I can get everything done because I promised Brandee I would.
Anyway, I'm once again completely exhausted and it's back to the grind tomorrow. Wish me luck! Two days to go!
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