Dec 05, 2004 19:37
[ CURRENT .. ]
- Current Clothes: grey sports bra and black shorts
- Current Mood: bleh
- Current Music: music box thing
- Current Taste: cinninum gum
- Current Make-up: none
- Current Hair:in a pony tail
- Current Smell: like nothing
- Current thing I ought to be doing: practicing spanish crap
- Current Desktop Picture: A dark room with a window shining threw it
- Current Favorite Artist: dunno...
- Current Favorite Group: dunno
- Current Book: eh... should be house of the living dead
- Current CD in CD Player: none
- Current tape in VCR: aladdin.... but it was being gay
- Current Color Of Toenails: normal
- Current Refreshment: water
- Current Worry: I'll never be able to do good in school
- You Touched: eh my dad?
- You Talked to: Lilly
- You Hugged: Justin <3
- You Instant messaged: eh... Jenny
- You Yelled At: MmmMm.... my mom?
- You Kissed: Justin <3
[ FAV0URITE .. ]
- Foods: eh depends on my mood... now its cocoanut
- Drink: water
- Color: black n red
- Album: dunno
- Shoes: my vans
- Candy: tootsie rolls
- Animal: bunnies and sharks
- TV Show: the new detectives
- Song: i dunno
- Vegetable: eh.. spinach
- Fruit: pineapple
- Cartoon: hmmm dunno
[ ARE Y0U .. ]
- Understanding: yea
- Open-minded: sometimes
- Arrogant: yea
- Insecure: kinda
- Interesting: maybe
- Easily Amused: indeed
- Random: very
- Hungry: yea
- Friendly: appears to be
- Smart: i wish
- Moody: very
- Childish: most of the times
- Independent: not quite
- Healthy: yea
- Emotionally Stable: eh...
- Shy: not really
- Difficult: yea
- Bored Easily: yea well ... yea
- Messy: very
- Thirsty: yea
- Responsible: depends
- Obsessed: yea
- Angry: ya
- Sad: yea
- Happy: sometimes..., its a very nice feeling....
-Hyper: can be Very...
- Trusting: yea
- Talkative: yea
[ WH0 D0 Y0U WANT T0 .. ]
- Kill: people
- Slap: people
- Get High With: no one ick
- Tickle: Justin on his legs its Fun!
- Look Like: eh, i dunno
- Talk To Offline: Justin
- Talk To Online: Justin
[ HAVE Y0U EVER .. ]
- Been kissed? yes ma'am
- Done Drugs? no sir
- Eaten an entire package of Oreos? not in one day
- Been on stage? ye'um
- Dumped Someone? indeed
- Gotten in a car accident? I wasnt driving but yea
- Been in love? could be
[ FAV0URITE .. ]
-Shampoo? eh Italy
-Toothpaste? Crest
-Soap? this pear 1, its awsome!
-Room in your house? mine although its messy as hell
-Instrument? bass
[ EITHER/0R .. ]
-Coffee or hot chocolate? hmmm tough 1.... now coffee
-big or little? little!
-Lace or satin? lace?
-New or old? old
-Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt? eh brad Pitt?
-Vogue or Cosmopolitan? neither?
-Jeans or cords? jeans
-Sweater or sweatshirt? hoodie
-T-shirt or tank top? t-shirt
-Skirt or dress? skirt
-Wool or cotton? cotton
-Rose or Lily? Lilly!
-Oldies or pop? oldies
-Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yea
-Do you have a best friend? yea
- Cried? no YAY!
- Helped someone? hmmm yea!
- Bought something? yea!
- Gotten sick? no
- Gone to the movies? no :-(
- Gone out for dinner? well... i was at disney
- Said "I love you"? yea
- Written a real letter? no
- Moved on? no?
- Talked to an ex? no
- Missed an ex? psssh no
- Talked to someone you have a crush on? yea
- Had a serious talk? yea
- Missed someone? yea
- Hugged someone? yea
- Fought with your parents? yea
- Fought with a friend? no
[ D0 Y0U .. ]
- Wear eye shadow? yea
- Put on a "front"? no?
- Have a crush on someone? yea
- Eat with your mouth open? no
- If you got a tattoo, where would you get it? eh.. on my back
- What color is your floor/carpet in your room? black
- What was the last CD you bought? i dont remember
- How did you spend last summer? summer school went to PA hung out w/ friends alot the "krue"
- When's the last time you showered? a bit ago
- Are you lonely? no
- Are you happy? not really
- Are you wearing pajamas? no
- Are you talking to someone online? yea
- What is your astrological sign? scorpio