Eighth Wings

Jul 17, 2009 00:45

The island did make good of its promise. How wonderful! I am a little concerned, though, as I know the item I received is not exactly mine. The Famous Flute of Highfort. I do not remember what race occupies Highfort, but I do know that this is essentially their prized possession.

I suppose if there was ever a time to be grateful for learning to play the flute, it was then. Some of the details are not quite clear, but I recall... political intrigues. Someone - a general? - was a demon in disguise, manipulating Highfort for her own purposes. We defeated this Shupkay before she could turn the castle into a flying fortress for her own goals. I know I was not alone, I was only part of a group - but I cannot recall their faces. Out of their gratitude, they parted ways with this flute.

The flute was necessary to get into the city of Tunlan, though I do not recall why we needed the flute or much about the city. All I recall was that we had to cure the queen of her own demons - quite literally, she was being possessed. Achieving that goals gave us the therapy pillow, which was what we were after in the first place. However, that is where my mind goes blank again, for I cannot recall why we needed the pillow.

...it bothers me that I cannot recall my own companions, but perhaps with time, I will remember more of them. As it stands, this is a particularly fine flute, and one I intend to at least use for the time being.

And yet it seems that this gift has come too late. I saw the listings today and noticed Tamaki was no longer with us. I remember the time I came across him playing piano and got me to attempt it. I would have greatly enjoyed seeing his excitable face learn that we would be able to play duets. Still, he always remained positive that everyone was returning home and stayed happy, even as his friends disappeared around him.

...I wonder if I can show that sort of optimism.

[The sounds of a flute being played could be heard in the general vicinity of Room 201.]

((1% spent on getting the Famous Flute from Highfort and using it in Tunlan to get the therapy pillow. 6% total, 0% remaining.))

tear, booster, nall

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