Sixth Wings

May 26, 2009 15:04

How strange. I recall being older, though not by how much, last week. I know it to be true that the island played its magic upon me, but the strange part is that I only recall pieces here and there. Vaguely what I looked like, certain conversations... but in other areas, there is nothing. Similarly, I recall writing things down when I was older; in some areas the penmanship is clean, but in others, it looks as though the ink was spilled all over. I cannot make out a word in that case.

As for what remains of the entry, it turned out to be a meaningless gesture, as I recall clearly now what I had tried to keep before. I am Princess Nina Wyndia II of Wyndia. I recall my parents, King Kenneth and Queen Heina Wyndia, and my dear sister Mina. And, as it turns out, Terra, you are not the only mage here.

[Private; hackable]
...this knowledge of my race is somewhat troubling, though. My parents, my sister, any random Wyndian one would see on the roads, all of which have white wings. If they are not white, they are a pale pink. Why are mine black?

terra, kid

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