After coming back from the park, Eve had gone straight to her room and shut the door.
Her room was strewn with the odds and ends of life with an eight-year-old. The scrunchie Gwen had been wearing when she arrived on Saturday, all the pictures she'd drawn, the crayons, the glitter, the t-shirt she'd slept in... all of it.
Eve knew she should straighten up, put the crayons back in the common room, at least try to get some order back into her room, but she couldn't quite bring herself to do it. Not yet, anyway.
This reminded her entirely too much of losing Savannah, of being torn away from her without any choice. The circumstances were different, of course, entirely different. But Eve had still lost her children without any say in the matter or any chance of changing it. The knowledge that the little girl and her little brother were back with their parents did little to help.
She sat on her bed, trying so hard not to cry.