And so passes a month

Jul 29, 2006 00:37

They say the world is a small place. Every day I spend in this city only seems to emphasise that fact. I don't know what it is, maybe just that I've been to school with so many people across the city, but the people I know always seem to be connected to each other somehow, other than through me. It's almost frightening to discover that a good friend from one place is friends with another good friend from somewhere totally different. Ottawa just seems to find a way to bring the people I know, people I may not have seen or talked to in years, together and back to me. Full circle. It's sort of comforting to think that in 20 years, I could probably find anyone I used know totally by accident.

So I haven't posted anything in a month. Really, there hasn't been any big update about what I've been doing since I left Toronto, which I guess I sort of regret, but I get caught up in a lot of stuff during the summer.

Work is work. At Kelsey's, I'm slowly making my way up from dishwasher to other back of house tasks. Line cook training starts next week. Should be interesting, although probably a bit stressful too. Unfortunately, working on an amorphous shedule makes planning awesome socializing in advance a bit difficult. That having been said: Dave, Dan, Chris, and other Ottawa folk who might read this, we need some D&D plans or something. Reading through these books isn't terribly satisfying.

So not much of particular note has happened in the past month. And so I turn to randomness. The following are 5 song lyrics. Whether you know the song or not, your job is to fill in the blanks with something amusing. Just as a guide, I've included the actual lyrics in brackets.

1. "I gotta go gotta go, before I ________." (do something stupid)
2. "I'm like a _______, I'll only ________." (bird; fly away)
3. "Hey Jude, don't ________." (make it bad)
4. "I'm gonna fight 'em off, a _________ couldn't hold me back." (seven nation army)
5. "Baby it hurts to ________." (love you)
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