Sep 24, 2004 11:14
Ahh, the beauty of discovering that there are still stale Cheetos at your disposal. These slightly less crunchy orange chunks of joy are doing the best they can to hold me over until the Chinese delivery dude gets here and hooks me up with all sorts of deep-fried deliciousness.
The weekend. Yay. Only one more (far-too-long) class then I'm finito for the weekend. Well... as long as you disregard the fact that I'm working tonight, Saturday, and Sunday. Ah well. The bills I'm making through all this are more than enough to support my drug habit :)
Hung out with Doug last nite, and that was the first time I've seen him in whoknowshowlong. Frank's house is back in action as well, it's been forever and a day since I've seen him either.
There doesn't really seem to be any point in the continuation of this entry. And I'm hungry. Maybe I'll go study until the food gets here. Heh... I crack myself up sometimes...