Feb 28, 2008 21:46
...I shall refrain from commenting on the Dor building...
But I do say that the protest is really getting on my nerves. Quit rolling off your anger in waves! There are people here who are affected by this and are not happy with the disturbance! I say that if you really hate it that much, grab some old rags and clean it up! You achieve nothing by complaining!
To those who actually like the new color of the Dor building...once again, no comment. And yes, I am aware what substance that red color actually is.
I have now officially stayed awake for 3 days, courtesy of you abnormal people. Please contain yourselves, it is not fun being assaulted by spirit waves every hour of every day.
If I do not sense any ebb in the currents of disturbance in the atmosphere, I shall have to do something drastic.
Also, as an after-thought, do the cuffs react to property damage? Because if they do, why did the decorator not get stopped by their cuff?
dor decorations,
blood plot,
kanda yuu