Apr 25, 2007 13:24
Ever have that teacher that you have a small inappropriately aged crush for? For me, it has happened. It's not a big deal - I dragged my boyfriend to a guest lecture he was doing on Dissociative Identity Disorder today and all my boyfriend said at the end was "You're right, he IS amazing." This professor actually gives me chills when he speaks. Example:
Professor M: I'm in psychology because it MAKES sense - we use words that sound like what they are going to be. Take chemistry for example *writes the letter K on the board* you all know what this symbol represents...
Class: Potassium
Professor M: Potassium? How the hell do you get the K out of potassium - I searched for hours and couldn't find the damn K. Now, if a psychologist had named this he would have used a symbol like Pot and instead of all those crappy numbers he would have have assigned it number like 420.... YEA, now we're talking. Who the hell isn't going to remember that Potassium is Pot and it means 420.