?? The link you posted to is an auction by a user called 'mark-fett'. Halfway down the auction page is a load of stuff saying that mark-fett is an 'untalented wanker' etc. If that's not hacked, why would he say that about himself?
Whoever mark-fett originally stole/borrowed the images off has clearly hacked mark-fett's eBay account as revenge.
Its because he just copied the infomation from the original auction using cut and paste, so the original guy just changed his picture and it changed the picture that was used in that auction as well
Ahh, I see what you mean. What a moron for linking it straight from privately held webspace. If I do it, I save the pic myself and then let eBay upload it...
This person is going to get into more trouble to having hacked someone else's eBay account, whether or not they were ripped off.
I think they have coppied the picture's URL that the original guy had
and he has just changed the picture
The link you posted to is an auction by a user called 'mark-fett'. Halfway down the auction page is a load of stuff saying that mark-fett is an 'untalented wanker' etc. If that's not hacked, why would he say that about himself?
Whoever mark-fett originally stole/borrowed the images off has clearly hacked mark-fett's eBay account as revenge.
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