Holy Woah and 3.12 that was 3.11 in pre-show picspam gloryyay...

Feb 20, 2008 00:56

These are just thoughts. and with some spoilery. and mostly postulations. and fanning myself...

Holey Denim, Batman!


It's the Sin City clothes. 
Which means a) they did laundry and b) there be some dubious baddies in the 719...

*filches Sam's jacket*

Oh noes. Dean not in Daddy Leather. This is of the foreboding...

Blacklid: Guard, you can chain them up over here... to my cot *also filches handcuff keys for to free her boys*

Now guys, is this like last time? Or do we need to hop in daddy's truck and silently steal away?

Sam's pukey shirt: Nope, we're fucked. Where's keys?

Blacklid: This was Dean's fault, wasn't it?

Sam's chin: Uh huh.

Is someone gonna tell me why this one is called Jus In Bello, as in, Justice In War? As in, don't go all morally gray and shit just because you can and it's easier. Sam? Are you gonna do somethingz? *winces*

Guard: Any distiguishing marks?

Blacklid: Besides the teeth marks I just...? Oh.

So, they've been to prison before. They couldn't have taken their charms with them (which means they JUST now got snagged, right? Cuz Dean ken haz Amulet of Sam still on his *guh* neck. And nows there is the INK. On their *gulp* chests and FOR WHY? I mean, besides Hello. Hi. Iz an Anti-Deal Thingie Mahjiger for with to keeping teh Dean and Sam is not Ded and how does that not count? And the lines don't meet, so there's no seal ... they could still get past it... Oh wait. I'm thinking too hard... HELOO HAWT.

Blacklid: Holy... that was the sound of all the air being sucked from the room, wasn't it?

Sam's chest: Well, yeah. Don't you remember last week? That was actually next week? But not? It was supposed to be Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, only they didn't air me on time? And even then it wasn't actually Tuesday... or Wednesday... oh, nevermind. Well. YEAH.

Hi Sam! You're drawring! Is veh pretteh. You can come over and do that on my walls for to keep the wee willie demonz out, n'kay? Except why would you need to be drawring that, Sammy? Are the Evols coming?

FOREBODING! It is never lying.

um. *iz wordless*

aw. MAN! Aren't you all, like, getting shot to shit this season... 


*can't finish picspam*   *iz officially ded*

thinky thoughts, yay?, spoilers, cnk 80q3, picspam

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