Why I loved whatever this episode was I don't even know

Mar 16, 2012 23:29

Dear the show that I love,


Tahirire liked it for all the Invisible!Mark, and for how one (ONE) song still makes her shiver with impending horror. FOR PROFESSIONAL REASONS.

WE HAVE TO BEAT THIS DICK UNTIL MORALE IMPROVES... and everyone better enjoy it while we shove it down their throat... YOU DON'T KNOW THAT YOU DON'T LIKE IT. Wait, G, I think some of them are choking... that one over there...

This was my face. THE WHOLE TIME.

Everyone seems confused by the cancer thing. Did anyone on the internet watch V? Is that why it got cancelled? WE ARE GOING TO BE THE FATTEST, HAPPIEST TURDUCKENS EVER.

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Danny Peary: "murder and chase sequences [and] the 'furniture' girls are not what the film is about - and are completely irrelevant" and answered his own rhetorical question "Am I pleased with the film? I would say fifty percent". If you put enough bad mojo on something, even a pencil can be lethal. (Hey, THEY said it. See? Size doesn't matter.)

I should never talk and type at the same time. And for the sobriety version, enjoy the mind of the illustrious http://blackcat333-99.livejournal.com/233739.html

but i'm not wearing any pants, all aboard the failboat, wtf, pepole think this review is worthles, what is this i don't even, jensen and jared make a porno, late nite conversations, batshanging, in dreams, i think i et a zombie, oh for the love, fearthewrathofthe eta, yay?, i before e except after icwydt, tentaculacular, on the other other hand, anansi boys, pimping, tactical bacon, dean!, the hammer (of misfortune) is my p3n1s, what context?, this land is my land, sam and dean own my soul, pretentious fan is pretentious, don't touch that, i am beer, epic show pwns everything, wonder twin powers activate, ninja, karina needs therapy, boys are silly, canadians are up there, jensen is actually captain planet, wank!, kripke is all kill kill kill, anonymai are crazy, sam!, dicshunary, word of the day, i tell you, i am overly excited, spn instareaction post, there are no words, life imitates art imitating life, i like this game, k, i don't believe in cut tags, going to hell, gleek is a monkey

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